8 Amazing Statistics on Affair

Amazing Statistics on Affair

 Adultery attracts many professionals, and more and more research is being undertaken on this subject every day. Between 2008 and 2009, Dr. Leanna Wolfe conducted the "Who Cheats and Why?" Questionnaire. Find 8 curious and surprising information

  1. Females tend to cheat when they are young (ages 24-45), and men (ages 36-55) tend to cheat.
  2. Females are more likely to cheat 10 to 20 years before their partners.
  3. 72% of cheating people are already betrayed.
  4. Young heathens (ages 18-35) tend to turn their attention to other partners, while older heathens (ages 36 and older) look for lovers for different active sex lives.
  5. Men seek sexual fantasy and fulfillment of desires, and women seek dating.
  6. Men over the age of 56 believe that sexless marriages (54%) and wives who cannot have sex for health reasons (43%) are acceptable reasons for treason.
  7. Women are worried about the sentimental side of betrayal (if the partner feels something to others), and men are worried about the physical (if the partner is attracted to others). increase.
  8. Men are more likely to enjoy betrayal than females.

Research has also expanded to find out that men and women are considering cheating, and acts such as going out for dinner with others are considered unfaithful to both men and women (30% of men, 41% of women).

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