Now is the time to know what is important for maintaining good health
As you all know, "a
nutritionally balanced diet is important" to maintain good health. However, many people do not know what to choose after all, even
if they say "good for health", "prevention of lifestyle-related
diseases", and "for longevity".
Even if the results of the medical examination seem to have improved due to
extreme dietary restrictions, can we maintain "health" if we
immediately return to our original diet?
Also, no ingredient says, "If you eat this, it's okay!" The key to good health is
the balance of various nutrients and their maintenance.
What to eat, and most importantly, whether you can "continue"
Here are some tips on how to “continue” your health so that you can stay
healthy 20 or 30 years from now.
Take "protein" firmly every meal
" Protein the source of
muscle?" No, that's not all.
Protein is also a material that makes not only muscles but also all tissues of
the body such as skin and organs and produces hormones, enzymes, and immune
substances. Together with carbohydrates and lipids, they are called the
three major nutrients and are deeply involved in various functions of the mind
and body.
However, proteins cannot be stored
in the body like fat, and are constantly decomposed and synthesized in the body
and consumed continuously. However, as we age, our ability to
synthesize protein declines, so everyone needs to get the right amount from
their diet.
It is also important to get enough protein from each meal to prevent frailty (a
condition in which muscle strength and activity gradually decrease with age)
and undernutrition in the elderly.
Ingest "animal protein" and "vegetable
protein" in a well-balanced manner
There are two types of protein: animal protein that can be ingested from animals such as meat and fish, and
vegetable protein that can be ingested from beans and grains such as soybeans.
Animal proteins are easily absorbed by the body and contain "essential
amino acids" that cannot be produced by the body and must be taken from
the diet among the amino acids that synthesize proteins.
Then, should we only take animal protein? That is not the case.
It is a lipid that is abundant in
meat and fish, but it is one of the causes of obesity if it is taken too much
because it is high in calories. In addition, beef and pork are rich in
"saturated fatty acids". Excessive intake of saturated fatty
acids is said to increase blood cholesterol (especially LDL cholesterol) and
increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and
arteriosclerosis. An upper limit has been set. Be careful not to consume
too much animal protein.
On the other hand, vegetable protein
is low in fat, so you can avoid the above risks, and you can eat a lot with low
calories, so it is highly satisfying and perfect for dieting.
In addition, since vitamin B group and minerals can be ingested at the same
time, energy production efficiency is good and the efficiency of amino acid
utilization in the body is increased.
Another major point is that foods that
are high in vegetable protein contain plenty of dietary fiber. It is said
that the intestinal environment is adjusted and the rise in blood sugar level
after meals is slowed down. In addition, by ingesting protein from
soybeans, vegetables, whole grains, etc., you can also take phytochemicals
(phytochemicals) such as polyphenols at the same time. Due to its
antioxidant properties, it is recommended for those who want to stay young and
healthy forever.
However, since vegetable protein does not contain essential amino acids, it is
best to have a balanced diet of vegetable and animal protein to complement each
From vegetables and seaweed to "vitamins", and "minerals" to
Then, what happens if the
"vitamins" and "minerals" contained in the five major
nutrients are deficient?
When vitamins and minerals are deficient, not only can the nutrients ingested
be taken into the cells, but even if they are taken in, they cannot be converted
into energy or converted into active ingredients.
Vitamins play a role as lubricating oil to generate energy efficiently. In addition, it can be
said that taking multiple vitamins in a well-balanced manner enhances their
effects and leads to the prevention of illness.
In addition, it is said that minerals such as magnesium and zinc are
indispensable along with protein to produce hormones and enzymes.
Furthermore, by taking a large amount of magnesium and potassium, the rise in
blood pressure and blood sugar level can be alleviated, and lifestyle can be
reduced. It is also thought to help prevent habitual diseases.
Intake of "sugar" to optimize
I think that many people who are on
a diet are conscious of "low-carbohydrate", but it is understood that
excessive intake of sugar has various effects on our body, not limited to
For example, excessive sugar intake raises postprandial blood sugar levels,
which can lead to arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure, increasing insulin
resistance (a condition in which insulin does not sufficiently lower blood
sugar) and risking diabetes. Is said to increase. It can also be a part of
lifestyle-related diseases, such as causing obesity and increasing the risk of
fatty liver.
You might be wondering, "If so, why not take sugar ...?" So
what happens if you don't take sugar?
Prolonged periods of too little sugar, or carbohydrate, can lead to excessive fat
intake and fiber deficiency, as well as the risk of muscle weakness in some
cases. You need to ensure the right amount of sugar, not too much or too
Suppressing sugar has the image of
reducing the amount of staple food, rice, but reducing the amount of rice
reduces satisfaction and may lead to excessive intake of high-calorie foods
such as fat. Hmm.
In such cases, there is a method of replacing white rice with whole grains such
as barley, brown rice, and ten-grain rice. The main purpose of replacing
white rice with whole grains is, of course, to reduce sugar, but in fact, it is
also a foodstuff that has many more positive effects.
For example, glutinous wheat
contains 16 times more dietary fiber than white rice, which is one of the
highest in other foods. The water-soluble dietary fiber
"β-glucan" contained in glutinous wheat serves as food for the good
bacteria among the intestinal bacteria, and not only increases the number of
good bacteria but also the vitamins and short-chain fatty acids (butyric acid,
acetic acid, etc.) produced by them. It has also been shown to increase useful
ingredients such as propionic acid). "Preparing the intestinal
environment" is a shortcut to "creating a healthy body."
Intake of "salt" optimizing
It is believed that long-term diets
that are high in salt can lead to elevated blood pressure, which can lead to
arteriosclerosis and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Other
studies have shown that excessive salt intake is also associated with stomach
cancer and diabetes.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Japanese Dietary
Intake Standards 2020 Edition", the daily salt intake (salt intake) is
less than 7.5 g for men and less than 6.5 g for women. The Japanese
Society of Hypertension weighs less than 6g per day, and the WHO (World Health
Organization) weighs less than 5g per day.
Creating a foundation for "I want to be " with
Health Meal
It is the daily diet that creates a
healthy body now and in the future.
I want you to continue eating easily and with peace of mind because meals are
the "basic key".
A healthy meal is an "all-in-one nutritional diet" that can extend
healthy life expectancy and maintain good health for the rest of your life.
For a healthy future for you and your loved ones, Health Meal will help you
maintain your health and prevent lifestyle-related diseases!